OH.MY.GOD. is all i can say when i say my face this afternoon. sleepless nights are finally taking its toll and my face is screaming for attention.
let me tell you that because i'm breastfeeding my 2 month old daughter (and of course since i found out i's preggy back in february) i decided to stop my face regimen altogether - vmv hypoallergenics - illuminants and glykeros combination. vmv says it's not for pregnant women and nursing mommies too so i followed them and thought i'd go back after nursing my child..
today though, i looked at my face in the mirror under natural light and OH.MY.GOD. i notice pores on my cheeks are big and my face generally looks so tired. for someone who's pride is her youthful face (waha) i felt like i lost my weapon. now im thinking of a way to go back to my regimen and still make it safe for my nursing baby.
glykeros's active ingredient is glycolic acid and kinetin growth factor, while illuminant's is kojic acid, melfade and gigawhite (of 7 alpine plants). i've been doing a lot of reading even before i went on my glykeros/illuminants regimen and in my own discretion, it's only kojic acid that i'm not really comfortable about..
so i'm thinking to take away illuminant's primary/advance formula altogether, stick with glykeros's primary/advance formula instead and just use illuminant's toning essence which only has gigawhite and no kojic acid. yes that's what i'm gonna do.
just let me find time to do this all. haha. soooo busy even putting on face moisturizers is a big deal now!
I'm new to VMV but I think their Products are very promising. Have you tried the VMV Illuminant Moisturizer? If you have it, how much is it? VMV website has a price list too but I think in the Philippines, they're cheaper. Nice Blog BTW. :P
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