and it's not from sleeping cuz up until now (5:25am or GMT + 8) it's still here on my face..
i didnt even know it was here until my mom told me i got a mayjah pimple coming up. i told her i dont feel anything so i went to look at the mirror and sure enough the red mark is there.
now my sister's opinion is that the skin got scraped raw but im sure it didnt cuz like i said, i dont feel anything. IT'S NOT ITCHY, IT DOESNT STING, IT DOESNT HURT AT ALL.
im sure if it's an allergy, it will be itchy.
and while time to time i get smacked by my kids (or their toys) while we are playing, im sure it would hurt if that was the reason i got this red blotch..
i even consulted with my fellow skin addict claire of extrarys and she asked me if there's any new product im using.. no there aint anything new on my skincare regimen..
the only thing i did out of the ordinary is that i slept on my stila illuminating tinted moisturizer the other night (when i slept on a product it's usually a liquid foundation haha) but i have washed my face the following morning and this nasty red blotch didnt spring up until the afternoon.
do you girls have any idea what this is?
im so uncomfortable that something on my face doesnt feel anything but just wont budge there. i would have been more comfortable knowing i scratched my face, or got sunburnt or allergy cuz i would know then how to treat, but being clueless like this isn't helping at all.
grateful for your comments, ideas and advice.
btw, here are shots of my sad face :(
be glorious,
Oh my poor Maki! :(
oh u poor thing..i am sorry but i have no clue..
thanks for your sympathies ladies :)
hi maki?? you have nice skin btw minus the red blotch.. did you pinch it? alam mo i experience thatred blotch if i try to extract white heads off my face.. my skin is very sensitive yours look sensitive too..
that's bad....well, my mom thinks cucumber might work...but i dunno...maybe it would work
hi donna! no i never pinched my skin on that part. on my nose i have plenty of white heads and it gets when i pinch it but not on the cheeks. but yes it does looks like its been pinched. kaya lang hindi naman e..
hi vivarjitha, later i might try cucumber if i can find it in the kitchen. i have only tried emu oil so far and it didnt help.
Hey Maki, don't worry, your skin will be fine soon :) its just a temp blotch which is caused when the flow of blood is interrupted while sleeping with your face crushed down in the pillow...the redness doesn't show up immediately on the skin but takes hours to build up on the skin and would probably fade out in a day or two:)
I do hope it goes away! I'm pretty sure its nothing serious... :)
Oh no! Maybe its an insect bite?
you're suggestion sonali made me feel more comfortable.
it is still here but has gone darker..
oh no kanwal it's not an insect bite
thanks bunny, i hope it is nothing serious..
thanks ladies i appreciate your concern.
hope it's really what sonali just said, something that will fade in a few days..
awww your such a cute girl! got a new follower now- me! haha hope you could follow me back! thanks hun!
awww.. don't be sad! I'm sure it'll go away.. perhaps go see a gp about it?
Aw, hopefully this goes away! I'm not sure what it would be?
And yes, the electric lemonade is very pigmented!
awww im sure itll go away in a few days! it's just a red blotch.. youre still pretty :)
i have no idea! find out and tell us the results!
red blotch ok already?
i hope its gone now cause you have a nice skin.
still here.. booohoooo..
i get that on my hip bones sometimes. I think its a form of a bruise that appears a lot later after the fact something happened. so you dont know where it came from.
try to apply yogurt it helps soothes the skin :) ..
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